Children's Workshops

I offer a variety of workshops for all children of all school ages, catering for both older children or younger primary school age. I am CRB checked and I am a member of the international felt association and have public liability insurance. 

Older Childrens Workshops

I offer a creative workshops for children in years 7 to GCSE. I am able to work with a group of up to 15 students in a one-day workshop. The children will have an opportunity to expand upon an individual idea or theme to produce an imaginative piece of creative art. They will gain experience working in a new medium and learn the ancient craft of felt making. The work they produce will enhance their art portfolios and sketchbooks, especially for children working towards an art or textile scholarship or a GCSE. Also I am more than happy to have a zoom meeting before free of charge to tailor the workshop to your needs.

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Felt Banner Workshop

I also offer a Felt Banner one-day workshop. The Banner's approximate size after felting is 120cm x100cm and will look great when displayed in the classroom or entrance hall. This is based on similar key-stage themes as above, but the children are encouraged to work together as a team and to discuss all their ideas to produce one large piece of felted art. This workshop works by laying out the design in fleese in the morning and felting the design together with warm soapy water in the afternoon. A class of 30 can come together and experience the whole process working in groups of 10 from first working out the design on paper to the finished piece. Eventhough, the children will not be involved in all stages they are still leaning skills and will be able to see the devlpoment. This allows more children to get invloleved and less diruption to the school day as they can go back to lessons after the group has done their involment in the peice. The children always have a feeling of great acomplishment with the finished peice and like to pop in throughout the day to see the whole process.

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Younger Childrens Workshops- Key stage 1-2

I offer a one-day felt experience workshop for key stage 1&2 children where childen  from the age of  4 have an opportunity to produce an individual piece of felt ,created using Marino wool in lots of exciting colours. The children will work in small groups of  upto 8 thoughout the day creating there own image by first laying out the coloured fleece and then by using soap , and water and by applying friction turn the fleece, into a piece of rolled felted art. Workshops for key stage 1 & 2 I would suggest Topics, such as, On the farm, Nature, Space, The great fire of London, Self Portraits est. Each project is planned with the class teacher and design ideas discussed .Each piece will be carefully labelled with the childs name and then when dry can be displayed individually or hung together to create a dramatic display in the school. Each group should take around 1 hour to 1.30  so I can cover as many as possible within the school day.

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Stich and creative embroidery GCSE & A-Level

 I offer creavtive stich and embroidery workshops for gcse and A level students. The idea of the workshops are for me to share my knoledge and expierence of imbellishement and embroidery tecniques to help students obtain there best creative outcome in there practicle coursework.

The students will have time to explore the different tecniques in a relivent way that is linked to there own work so that it can be utilised into there sketchbooks. The workshop can be a whole day or a Morning or Afternoon session. 


Prices for School Workshops

I can tailor make Workshops for schools to maximise success and creative outcome. To get an exact costing it is best to contact me directly but as a guideline I charge £240 for a whole day 8.30 to 4.00 for my time which includes preparation and travel within a 25mile Radius of Burford but can negotiate petrol costs if I need to travel further.

I will supply all the equipment necessary for the workshop but charge separately for the materials used in each individual workshop. Generally, the material price for the younger children felt experience workshop works out at around £2 per child as only small amounts of Marino wool will be used at a time. For older children this will be more as larger quantities of wool and silk fibres will be used. Happy to discuss details and costing so that an exact figure can be reached, and I look forward to hearing from you.